Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 WiFi Downloads
- rebased to CUE1 5/2021 Sec Patch (OneUI 3.1 and A11)
- Install choices are in the Master Module (aka mother module) but install process is the same - the rom module will automatically pick up any choices made in the Master Module flash - end result is the same but this was a hell of a lot of work.
- rebased to CUC2 4/2021 Sec Patch (OneUI 3.1 and A11)
-added power app
-multidisabler now baked into firmware
-a few others i have forgotten lol
- NEW ROM MODULE SETUP BACKUP AND RESTORE - I have created a new Rom Module backup and restore function which will read the setup of the last rom module install (v12 onwards only) and ask you if you want to restore your previous install options. It will also backup any CSC features choices you make. This was not easy due to the complexity of my other function :ROFLMAO:
- THE MODULE BASE CONVERTOR - this will now send the Rom Module to internal instead of the mother module.
-FIRMWARE CHECK - this means that the Rom will not install unless the matching firmware to the Rom is detected (there should be no reason to mix firmwares as this causes issues)
- VOLUME BUTTON CHOICES - I have managed to increase the timeout from 3 to 9 seconds
-some script optimisations and tidy ups
-CTS fix working perfectly and is included as an install option
-everything should hopefully tidy up after itself (eg the convertor deletes itself from internal storage mid flash) but let me know if anything is out of place
Complete Rewrite of installation procedure please refer to Post #2 on XDA
Rom Module
- Vanced Manager updated to 2.3.0
- Performance and Bug fixes
Rom Base
- Performance and Bug fixes
Rom Module
- Updated base to BUA1 01_2021 Sec Patch
- Vanced Manager updated to 2.1.1
- Updated Google Apps (Google Edition only)
- Performance and Bug fixes
Module Base
- Updated base to BUA1 01_2021 Sec Patch
- Fixed V4AFX by downgrading magisk to 21.1 (do not update it yet)
- Performance and Bug fixes
Rom Module
- Complete install script rewrite
- Fixed Viper4Android driver now installs
- Fixed YouTube Vanced you can now install rooted and un-rooted apps from Vanced Manager
- Fixed Selectaable CSC mods
- Performance and Bug fixes
Rom Module
- Files Rebased to BTK2 11-2020 Security Patch
- Added Selectable CSC features (so you can now choose which ones you want and don't)
- Updates all included Apps For Samsung and Google Editions
- Performance and Bug fixes
Module Base
- Files Rebased to BTK2 11-2020 Security Patch
- Magisk Manager updated to 8.0.3
- Performance and Bug fixes
Known Issues
-Viper4AndroidFX does not currently work with the Rom Module
-Added multi OMC code support - the module will detect your OMC code, OXM, OWO etc etc, and apply the relevant OMC folders to ensure no clashes with the product partition and the CSC features etc. - Basically supporting every CSC's firmware available on sammobile for T860/T865
-Files rebased to BTG1/BTG2
-Big install script tidy up and recode using functions
-Module Base performance and system fixes
-Added support for 4G version T865
-Fully odexed everything - Rom module will now work very smoothly on either 420rom module base or Rooted Stock
-Big Performance improvements and lagging has now gone
-added youtube vanced option
-added 3minit clock option
-added final fix for 3minit battery
-module bases have been fully odexed
-We now have the Standard Edition which is similar to the 2.0.1 rom and a new Google Edition where the main Samsung apps are replace by Google Versions.
-massive overhaul of script and module structure to bring the 5 supported devices into one zip. - 5 device all in one solution!
-fix for bluetooth pairing issue on root - thanks @3arthur6
-rebrand of module and added a few wallpapers
-Module updated to not install vendor apps and some performance changes.
(If you installed 2.0 remove it and then install version 2.0.1. If any of the vendor apps like Telcel app are still installed you will now be able to uninstall them like normal apps).
v2.0 (Initial Release for T860)
Module Bases:
-Rebased to BTG1/BTG2
-Latest 420rom kernel based on cruel added
-Latest SHRP recovery added to base
-Base performance and system fixes
-One for each tab device supported
-Install SHRP recovery
-Install correct CSC files based on your CSC - Just select your CSC from the list in Aroma
-Much much cleaner installation experience than previous bases thanks to the newly implemented procedure
-Module recognizes whether you're on stock rooted or our base rom and gives you the relevant custom options on install - big script re-rite hence v2.
-Fixed 3minit battery as res folder was in wrong app folder.
-improved and more informative installation experience.
-new way of implementing multidisabler in rom
-lastly we now have our own team SHRP recovery!!!!
Version and Sec Patch
Release Date
420rom Master Module - Google Edition
Coming Back Soon
